*Gujarat govt to procure soybean from farmers at MSP for the first time*
*As soybean acreage has gone past a record two lakh hectares in Gujarat, the state government has decided to procure this oilseed for the first time from farmers at the minimum support price (MSP) of Rs 3,950 per quintal. With this, soybean becomes the second oilseed and seventh crop to be procured by the government.*
*“This will be for the first time that the government is procuring soybean from farmers of Gujarat at MSP,” said a government official.*
*The Gujarat State Civil Supplies Corporation Limited (GSCSCL), an undertaking of the state government, on Saturday issued an advertisement announcing that the state government will procure green gram, black gram and soybean in Kharif marketing season 2021-’22 at MSP Rs 7,275, Rs 6,300 and Rs 3,950 respectively, fixed by the central government for this season.*
*“The state government will procure green gram, black gram and soybean at minimum support price through the Gujarat State Civil Supplies Corporation during the Kharif marketing season 2021-22 to ensure that farmers get remunerative prices for their crops,” the advertisement stated.*
*Farmers who want to sell their soybean to the government can register on the i-Kisan portal with the help of village computer entrepreneurs of their respective village at the nearest Agricultural Produce Market Committee (APMC). The registration window will be open from October 11 and till the end of this month.*
*Agriculture Minister Raghavji Patel confirmed the government decision an said that he would elaborate on the subject on Monday.*
*Under its price support scheme (PSS), the Central government makes physical procurement of important crops directly from farmers to protect them from price volatility in the open market. Such procurements are generally done through National Agricultural Cooperative Marketing Federation of India Limited (Nafed), the apex cooperative marketing body of the country, as well as through Food Corporation of India Small Farmers Agribusiness Consortium and National Cooperative Consumers’ Federation of India Limited.*
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