The local market on Monday remained stable and trading volume remained low. The Spot Rate remained unchanged at Rs 13900 per maund. The Polyester Fiber was available at Rs 222 per kg. Cotton Analyst Naseem Usman Business Recorder that the reason behind low trading volume is rains in the cotton growing areas of Sindh and Punjab due which the supply of Phutti was effected.
The rate of cotton in Sindh is in between Rs 13500 to Rs 14000 per maund and the rate of cotton in Punjab is in between Rs 13800 to Rs 14100 per maund. The rate of the new crop of Phutti in Sindh was in between Rs 5500 to Rs 6100 per 40 kg. The rate of Phutti in Punjab is in between Rs 5700 to Rs 6200 per 40 kg. The rate of Banola in Sindh is in between Rs 1600 to Rs 1750 per maund. The rate of Banola in Punjab is in between Rs 1700 to Rs 1800 per maund. The rate of cotton in Balochistan is Rs 13700 to Rs 13800 per maund. The rate of Phutti in Balochistan is Rs 6300- 6900 per maund.
Market intelligence attributes the variance to a combination of under reporting by ginners and GoP's romance for cotton's glorious past, but that lament has received sufficient attention in this space (and not nearly enough by the government). The net result, however, is that estimates by everyone lose credibility, and add to uncertainty in the market.