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*Cotton arrivals begin in Bathinda mandi*

2021-08-31 10:50:57
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*Cotton arrivals begin in Bathinda mandi*

*Around 19 quintal of raw cotton arrived in Bathinda grain market on Monday, with farmers getting Rs 300-400 per quintal more than the minimum support price (MSP). With Rs 5,925 per quintal being fixed for 27.5-28.5mm long staple, farmers got between Rs 6,200 and 6,400 per quintal.*

*Cotton season starts on September 1 but the Cotton Corporation of India normally enters the market after October 1, leaving private traders or ginners to make purchases for nearly a month.*

*Against state agriculture department’s target of sowing cotton in 3.25 lakh hectares, the crop was sown in 3.04 lakh hectares in Punjab. In the previous cotton sowing season, there was big mismatch in figures in Punjab, as initially the state government claimed that the crop was sown in 5 lakh hectares and later claimed that as per actual measurement it was sown in 2.51 lakh hectares.*

*The CCI website still shows 5 lakh hectare cotton sowing in Punjab.*

*Mehta village farmer Baldev Singh said he had brought cotton from first picking and sold it for Rs 6,325 per quintal. “I am happy to get this price, which is much above the MSP,” he said. Another farmer Shankar Singh from Katar Singh Wala village had brought about a quintal and sold it for Rs 6,250.*

*Commission agent Anil Aggarwal said it was the firsty day of cotton arrival in mandi and rates quoted by traders were much higher than the MSP. Actual price will be known when cotton starts arriving in large quantities, he said.*

*Bathinda market committee secretary Gurwinder Singh told TOI that 19 quintal cotton arrived on the first day on Monday. “We hope the arrivals to pick in mid-September, when the growers are expected to start the picking in big way,” he said.*

*SiS Commited to update you on all textile related news real time.*

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